Provisioning and Configuring k8s clusters
Last year I started learning about kubernetes and used rancher to configure the k8s cluster. Rancher (the container orchestration tool) is great to learn about kubernetes with a webui. It can manage the complete life cycle of the kubernetes cluster. …
AWX - Creating Execution Environments
The final step that I wanted to test out in mmy transition to AWX 19 from my previous install of AWX 12 was to make sure that I could use the new features in AWX 18+ which is Execution Environments. …
Ansible - PowerShell on Linux using Legacy modules and helper functions
Ansible at its core is essentially executing code in a specific way to a machine. The scripts that are written are to a standard that makes it idempotent. The concept is quite simple and once you do it once or twice it is actually easy to understand how to make scripts idempotent. However this is another topic on its own. …
AWX - Installing through Operator with version 18-19
Recently I saw that the team released AWX 18 last month and AWX 19 a few days ago. …
Ansible - How to use groupvars to your advantage
I am a long time user of Ansible. When I first started out and for for the most part other people that I have seen, the common thing to do is to put variables in the extra-vars of ansible-playbook or job templates in Ansible Tower/AWX. …
Ansible - Automation or a tool for Automation
I have heard this so many times before. Many managers/middleware engineers and zealots refer to Ansible as ‘automation’ making us believe that it is the programming language that everyone should only be using. This means all logic and such appearing the playbook/role that they are creating. …
Core concepts PowerShell - Workhorse Commands
This is the second part of the blog post series of learning PowerShell. Before we start on this post there is are two concepts that I want to define. The first is the term collections. As previously discussed in the last post PowerShell is object orientated but we not only deal with one object at a time, we can deal with a lot of objects at a time. …
Core Concepts of Powershell: Where do I Start??
I am part of a PowerShell telegram group for Linux users called PowershellonLinux on Telegram. I am a windows engineer by heart so I was curious to find out why linux people will be interested in PowerShell. What I discovered is for another post but one of the conversations that we had was discussing how to do basic 101 things with PowerShell. …
Setting up Jekyll on GitHub Pages
Overview This is a post describing how I set up Jekyll on Github. It took me a while to understand how to use Jekyll because I had been using WordPress for a long while. …
Moving my technical writings to Github Pages!
One of my good friends said to me that I should start using Git Hub pages to present the rest of my technical blog writings as a pose to Wordpress. I was initially against the idea as I really liked the LAMP blogs. However I had seen that there were other people that were using Github Pages I had to see what the fanfare was about. So I have decided to move to using it for the foreseeable future. I can move back to Wordpress if I choose to. But for now I really like it because it suits my workflow of writing than writing in a browser. …